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The Psychology of Singing

Singing / Larynx / Exhalation / Science / Breathing


E Books / Map / Earth / Earth & Life Sciences / Earth Sciences

The Magic of Believing

Magic (Paranormal) / Mediumship / Physician / Princeton University / Mind

The Practice of Statistics

Confidence Interval / Probability Distribution / Normal Distribution / Experiment / Sampling (Statistics)

The Anointing of Dan

Rachel / Jacob / Serpents In The Bible / Serpent (Symbolism) / Jesus

The Power of Prayer.

Planned Parenthood / Prayer / Torah / Religion And Belief

The Spirits of Nature

Mummy / Ancient Egypt / Isis / Soul / Funeral

The Adoration of Re

Osiris / Ancient Egyptian Religion / Deities / Middle Eastern Mythology / Polytheism

The Book of Pook

Gender / Ethnicity, Race & Gender / Sexual Intercourse / Femininity / Friendship

the power of words

Neuro Linguistic Programming / Feeling / Self-Improvement / Emotions / Perception

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